Netgear Routers
- Open your browser of choice and enter the IP address of your router in the address bar (default is
- You will be prompted to log in, the default details are a username of admin and password of password (or 1234 for older devices).
- On the left hand navigation menu, click on Basic Settings.
- Ensure that the Get Automatically From ISP option is selected under the Domain Name Server (DNS) Address section.
Huawei Routers
- Open your browser of choice and enter the IP address of your router in the address bar (default is
- You will be prompted to log in, the default details are a username and password of `admin`.
- On the left-hand navigation menu, click on Basic and then on WAN.
- In the list of WAN connections, select your Web Africa connection(s) one at a time and do the following step for each
- Ensure that the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS entries are blank. If not, remove any text in both boxes and click Submit.

- Reboot your router.
Billion Routers
- Open your browser of choice and enter the IP address of your router in the address bar (default is
- You will be prompted to log in, the default details are a username and password of `admin`.
- On the left-hand navigation menu, click on Advanced.
- Click Configuration, then WAN, then WAN Profile.
- Select your Web Africa connection(s) one at a time by clicking the Edit radio button and do the following step for each.
- Ensure that the Automatic option is ticked next to Obtain DNS.

Please note: All Webafrica deals and packages are subject to change without notification. These include our terms and conditions as it relates to costs and deal/package structures for all of our service providers.